Types of Bike Routes
The terms easy, moderate and strenuous are intended as a guide only and are indicative of the terrain and distance covered during a mountain bike ride. If you are familiar with ski piste maps, think of ‘easy’ as a green run, moderate as blue, and strenuous as red. The route taken will always be influenced by factors like the ability/fitness of riders in the group and the weather.
An easy ride can be up to 15km on easily pedalled, non-technical terrain. There will only be short sections of ascent.
A moderate cycle can be of 10-20km, involving up to 350m of ascent/descent with some technical terrain (e.g. narrower ‘single track’ trail with bumps and roots to negotiate.
A strenuous cycle can be over 20km, with a significant cumulative ascent of over 400m and longer sections of single track/technical (red) terrain.